YogaFlex Gym Ball – 65cm
Exercise Balls are on the THE BEST tools for strengthening your core muscles. This refers to the muscles from your chest down into your pelvis, and encompasses all abdominal muscles.
We find people are searching for the term ‘core exercise ball’ and this article is for you. Not only will your ‘abs’ look smashing after some consistent workouts with an exercise ball, you will also gain core stability, which is an essential part of having a healthy, strong body.
By strengthening your core, you will improve your ability to do a myriad of daily tasks, such as activities which require lifting, bending, twisting and even sitting. Your posture will improve and your digestive and circulatory systems will enjoy better efficiency.
Following are our top recommendations for using an exercise ball for core stability:
Rest your feet on the ground and, facing down, balance your upper body on the exercise ball. Depending on your current level of strength and sense of balance, you may wish to rest wither your chest (easiest), forearms (middle difficulty) or hands on the ball. You may either hold for as long as possible or perform reps by holding for ten seconds, resting and returning for another rep and repeating several times.
While sitting well-balanced on an exercise ball, tighten your glutes (buttocks muscles) and ensure your spine is straight and strong. Begin with one leg, lifting it out in front of you until it is parallel to the floor. Hold for ten seconds, rest and repeat OR hold for as long as possible before switching legs. This will work your legs as well, so be sure and focus on keeping your abs and buttocks tight so that your core is doing most of the stability work.
Variations: For an easier version, keep knees bent and lift only your foot until you get stronger. For more variety and challenge, try lifting both legs at the same time while touching a wall, or doing the single leg holds while holding your arms out to your sides at shoulder height, with or without dumbbells. You could even try simultaneous shoulder presses for a deeper challenge!
Structured to remain in one place and not roll aware while you’re not using it
– Anti-burst feature prevents the ball from bursting during use
– Perfect for Core Muscle Building / Yoga / Pilates / Toning