Green Roof Drainage Layer
The green roof drainage layer mats are the ideal roof drainage solution. This 3D mesh mat enables water to quickly drain and prevents pooling.
Each drainage layer mat is applied over the rooftop surface and provides a protective layer that enables both drainage and breathability of roof membranes. These mats are perfect for green roof projects as they enable water to continuously discharge even under heavy compressive loads. The geocomposite wrapping over the nylon mesh media core prevents dirt and debris from clogging the drain and filters out any litter or debris.
The green roof mats are very popular in the following applications: vegetative green roofs, rooftop gardens, under artificial turf, permeable paver base, and as a protective layer over roofing membranes.
Note: The 3611R has geotextile fabric on one side only. The 3811R has fabric on both sides.
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