Yard Mat for Trucks – 4′ x 8′ – Tan
Our Yard Mat for Trucks is a high-density polyethylene (HDPE) 4′ x 8′ mat that is used to protect your yard from ruts and damage from the heavy weight of trucks. These recyclable mats can withstand up to 90 tons, are flexible and can bend while not breaking, and provide traction for equipment and crewmen.
These heavy duty ground protection mats are lightweight at only 81 lbs and therefore are easy to move and set up in different configurations for your yard. The Yard Mat for Trucks has a lifespan estimate of 10+ years and can be used in multiple applications. They will not rot, peel or crack. The HDPE mats are waterproof and a better alternative to using plywood boards.
***Minimum Order = 14 Mats***