NanoLoft® Travel Blanket – Crisp Fade
As they say, “good things come in small packages.” Whether you punch tickets for planes, trains, or trails, this portable and packable Puffy Blanket is the perfect trekking and travel companion.
Designed to balance warmth and comfort with packability, the NanoLoft® Travel is designed with a roll-top stuff sack that easily clips to backpacks, while NanoLoft® insulation allows for maximum compression and rebound. It’s everything you’d expect from a Rumpl Puffy Blanket, packed down to the size of your favorite water bottle.
This fade was inspired by one of two things: the first warm sunny day after a long, cold, wet winter, or a melting popsicle. Which one is true? Like all the best origin stories, this Crisp Fade one has been lost to time.
*Bottle shown for size reference only. Not included with blanket purchase.