SusXTrainer SX1000 Suspension Trainer CAMOUFLAGE
We R Sports Military Style Khaki Suspension Trainer Straps /Body Weight Training System
The “We R Sportsâ„¢ Suspension Training gives you dynamic, suspended, bodyweight training. By harnessing your own body weight to provide resistance, you are able to target any muscle group with seamless exercise efficiency.
Suspension training responds to your body, giving you control of your workout.
Versatile, portable, effective, and fun. Because it is a fully portable exercise unit, you are able to set up and workout anywhere within minutes. Whether you are a beginner or an elite athlete, everything can be adjusted to you.
How this simple concept works:
By suspending and shifting your body weight against gravity, you create a dynamic resistance that allows you to completely target every muscle in the human body.
The Human Trainer forces you to use your own stabilizer muscles. This means your body works to balance itself. This translates into a leaner, more athletic, more muscular physique and a stronger core because your entire body is being engaged.
Adjust the level of difficulty quickly and easily by simply shifting your body position. The steeper the angle or the more horizontal your body is the more weight you are lifting.
The We R Sports Fitness Suspension Trainer-The Strongest, most durable and safest kit available.
Rubber Handles with Foot Loops -Durable, comfortable and easy to clean with a non-slip design
Door Anchor – Train at home with any decent quality door and frame. Hook behind the door, close, then use your full body weight
Suspension Anchor Carabina -Train outside and attach to any suitable, strong anchor point
Strap Extender – Lock the suspension trainer to any high or large diameter anchor point
Meshed Carry Bag – Compact and easy to carry where ever you want to train
Not suitable for commercial use.