Val Di Mello : Trad/Sport Climbing In The Val Di Mello
A new rock climbing guide to the Val Di Mello describing both the sport and trad multi-pitch routes – the guide contains both photo-topos and topo-diagrams as well as a great selection of full-colour action shots. Pitch lengths are given for most routes and each pitch is given a French grade; suggestions on what gear to take are also included – Italian language…
- Author: Mario Sertori
- No of Pages: 399
- Page Size: 150 x 210 mm
- ISBN 10: 885571046X
- ISBN 13: 9788855471046
- Publisher: Versante Sud
- Published Date: September 2023
- Edition: 2nd: Sept 2023
- Binding: Paperback (flapped)
- Illustrations: Photo-topos + Colour Photos
- Weight: 550g